Unified Track:
Unified Track competed at Jennings County on Wednesday, April 17 against six schools.
The Owls finished fourth and had fun.
The Lady Owls’ Unified team won the 4 x 100 event thanks to Anne Lenart’s speed on the third leg.
ISSMA District Instrumental Contest
Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble travel to Columbus North on April 19 to compete.
Each band performs three rehearsed pieces for three judges.
Each band is judged on sight reading an unrehearsed selection as well.
SHS bands have earned gold medals and gold with distinction for many years.
ISSMA District Choral Festival
This is taking place on April 20 at the SHS auditorium.
Sirenas and Varsity Chorale will perform for three judges.
SHS choirs have earned silver medals in the past several years.
National Honors Society Update
Students have now completed the initiation process for NHS. Congratulations!
Important Dates for Seniors
May 13: Deadline for picking up Senior Dinner Tickets
May 14: Senior scholar award recipients should report to the auditorium at 10 a.m.
May 15: Senior DInner 7:00 pm at Pines Evergreen Room.
May 16: Deadline for paying $40 senior dues, course fees, and other charges.
May 17: Honors award program 8:45 a.m. in the auditorium. Report to the cafeteria at 8:30.
Commencement Rehearsal 1:30 p.m. in the gymnasium.
May 22-23: Final Exams in weighted classes
May 24: Rehearsal for Class President, Valedictorian(s)/Sa;utatorian takes 9:00 a.,. In gymnasium
May 30: Seymour Scholar Award recipients and their parents wool meet in the gymnasium at 5:30 p.m.
Indiana Academic All-Star Award
Lucas Jablonski will be receiving the award April 25, 2024