Why You Would Lose to a Gaggle of Geese

March 27, 2023
You would lose to a gaggle of geese. No matter what. Geese are just too vicious. No matter your weapons, or your skills or your preparations. You would lose. Geese are too powerful. Geese are the only animal in the world that are swimming birds who eat lots of fish but are also very very mean. Geese are even more powerful than swans, because swans are too loud. A goose could sneak up on you. So next time you think you’re safe from the gaggle of geese, just remember. They want blood.
Reasons you’d lose to the geese:
- Geese are too mean
- Geese are too strong
- You aren’t strong enough
- Geese have a herd mentality
- Geese will sacrifice one for the many
- Geese have no fear
- Geese are vicious
- Geese are incredibly durable
- You’d be scared of the Geese
- Geese know to target the eyes and the throat
- You are not very good at running
- Geese can fly
Addie Brock | Apr 10, 2023 at 5:32 pm
I agree, geese are too powerful.