Blood Drive

March 29, 2023
38% of Americans are eligible to donate blood, but only 5% actually donate. Donated blood is used for cancer patients, patients with certain diseases that cause low red blood cell counts, surgery, and emergencies. Donating blood is simple, just sign up, arrive, get a quick medical screening, and donate. The actual donation only takes 10-15 minutes from whole blood donations: double red blood cells, plasma, and platelets take a little more time. From walking in the doors to walking out, it only takes less than one hour.
When: Friday, March 31st
Where: Schneck Professional Building Classroom 300
Why: Versiti Blood Supply is at emergent levels, you can help save a life
How: Go to to sign up, this site will also allow you to see other blood drives
What is in it for you: Help people(also a BOGO coupon for Noodles and Company)
- 16 (with parental permission) and older
- Bring a form of ID
- Have an adequate level of hemoglobin (will be checked on the day of donating before)
- Sign Up!
Make sure to get a good night’s sleep, eat a proper meal, and stay hydrated.
Disclaimer: some medications defer you from donating blood, please go to for a list of deferred medications