Learning Languages, Idiomas, Språk, Linguae

May 5, 2023
Per Indiana standards, for a high school academic honors diploma, a student must earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits. That means three years of one language or two years each of two languages (total of four years). Currently, SHS offers Spanish and French, with no known plan to add more in the near future. For some learning a new language is as easy as remembering how to ride a bike, while others can not seem to pick it up as easily.
As one ages, it becomes harder to learn anything. This is why older generations are less inclined to enjoy newer music. The brain’s ability to adapt and change decreases over time after reaching 18 years old, and it becomes harder to construct a cognitive framework. That is not to say adults are not able to learn a new language, only that it is significantly easier at a younger age. However, language experts say to become completely fluent, learning should start before age 10.
Online courses and websites, like Duolingo, allow for easier and faster learning. Listening to and repeating sentences allows for the correct pronunciation and helps form connections to sounds and words. Even just listening to a children’s tv show advances one’s knowledge. Having a friend that is learning or is native speaker causes you to actually try and speak a new language. Experts say 20 minutes minimum a day should be dedicated to learning a new language, but one to two hours spread out throughout the day is ideal.