Because Isiah´d So!
November 17, 2017
Senior Isiah Barnett is ready to graduate. This member of the class of 2018 at Seymour High School has a blunt outlook on his life and school. His emotions currently consist of being stressed and tired; with goals of saving money, going to college, and paying for loans. Hoping to become a future model with a love for the French language, Isiah is ready to push forward.
Barnett has attended SHS since his freshman year. Since then, he has developed and directed himself through both good and bad times. ¨My friends have helped me the most,” Barnett says,¨Nick Perkins, (to be specific) was a friend whenever I needed one. He helped me through a few situations I went through, and I respect him for that.” Besides his friends, another aspect of high school that helped pave the way for Isiah were his favorite teachers.
¨K. Miller; aka Queen G, aka Teacher Kacey Patterson (Formally Miller). We really connect; I feel like she’s helped me become a better person overall. She’s also acted as a great friend. Also teacher Dave Urbanski, I’d pay to take his class again. He made history interesting, and was entertaining. Another favorite teacher (of mine) would be Mr. Cobb. Simply a great guy, and a great teacher overall.”
Barnett’s senior wisdom to freshman is: “Do your work, or it’ll come back to haunt you. Don’t get caught into drama, try a sport, (and) do things. It’ll all be gone before you know it.” He said this after reflecting on his own experiences which have made him into a better person. Once known for starting drama, Barnett had experienced an epiphany, as he didn’t want to be apart of a remembered drama filled senior year.
Barnett participates in acting and modeling classes, as this is his passion. He goes to Cincinnati, Ohio every Saturday to participate. ¨I have teachers there. I learn both modeling and acting,” Barnett explains. Barnett feels that modeling is his calling. With his senior year set to finish, Barnett is making the best he can out of his final year of high school.