Everyone loves a good and relaxing break from school. However, It can get boring if you don’t have anything fun to do. Listed below are some great activities to do with your family and friends. Many options can be done at home, while others allow you to explore the communities surrounding Seymour.
- Spending Time with siblings or other family members
Everyone gets caught up with a to-do list that seems to grow everyday. We get so focused on it that it leads us to not spend time with some of the most amazing people in our lives. My little sister and I are very close, and she is very important to me, but after-school activities get in the way of spending time with each other during the week. However, some of my favorite memories are the time we get to spend with each other. I would encourage you to spend time with someone you don’t get to see very often. Maybe go out for lunch or go shopping together; do something you will both enjoy. It will mean a lot to you, but it will mean even more to them!
- Spring Cleaning
There is not a more perfect time to clean out that overflowing closet than Spring Break! Go through areas around your room and your house and find things that aren’t your style or you you don’t have use for anymore. Drop it off at donation centers or sell it online to make some extra money.
- Game or movie marathon night
Everyone loves to gather their favorite snacks and enjoy some time with family and friends. Watch or play something new or go back to one of your favorite games. You could also make up your own game for everyone to play.
- Write a letter or story
There are many things you could write about. You could:
-Write a letter to your future self (End of high school, college, or 10+ years)
-Write to a family, friend, or Pen-Pal
– Write a creative story
Whatever it is, let your imagination wonder!
- Do something for someone in need
There are many organizations that would be glad you volunteered your time to help them. You could also make care packages or tie blankets for the nursing home patients. If you can’t do that, simply ask your neighbor if they need help with anything. Use your own talents to put a smile on someone else’s face!
- Go to Game Show Battle Rooms in Indianapolis
Located Downtown Indianapolis, Game Show Battle Rooms allows groups to get a chance to play game shows we see on TV. You will need to call and make an appointment before arriving. This would be a good choice if you’re looking for something unique to try.
Website: https://gameshowbattlerooms.com/indianapolis/
- Escape Rooms
This another fun option if you’re looking for something to do with a big group of people. There is one located in Columbus or other areas around Seymour. Put your heads together to solve the puzzle before the timer runs out!
- Cake Bake Shop
If you like to get dressed up and feel fancy for a day, I would recommend going to The Cake Bake Shop! The Cake Bake has two locations, one in Carmel, Indiana and one in downtown Indianapolis. The shop has lunch and dinner options, but they are known for their desserts which include cake, cookies, brownies, macrons, ice cream, and more sweet treats. The employees are very kind and will help you have the best experience. If you do go, my personal favorite cake is the Raspberry Champagne Cake and the peanut butter cookie.
Website/Menu: https://thecakebakeshop.com/pages/carmel-city-center#menu
- Support Small Businesses
If you want to get out of the house, I would recommend going shopping downtown Seymour at local shops. If you want to take advantage further, College Avenue in Indianapolis also has some fun shops and restaurants.
- Ark Encounter
In Williamtown, Kentucky, there is a museum built to look like Noah’s Ark. There are three floors and you will probably spend an hour on each floor. It’s a very beautiful and eye-opening experience. I went with my grandparents and it was one of my favorite trips. I loved it and I think you will too!
Website: https://arkencounter.com/
- Try something new on your bucket list
There are hundreds of different things you could try to do. Crochet? Drawling? New sport? Reading? If it’s small or something really big, I hope you at least try it over break. You never know until you try something for the first time!
Whatever you choose to do, I hope you enjoy your break!