Dear SHS student body,
The Owl online newspaper wants to help you navigate life’s situations that you’re dealing with right now, positive or negative.
Our goal is to help you feel like someone is there for you. Sometimes, students feel like there is no one to talk to about something big in their lives. As teenagers, we get it. We want to be the friend who listens when you need to talk.
Below is a link to a Google form to submit what you need advice on. In the Google form, is a series of written and multiple choice questions to help us understand your story. There is also a blank for your name (you can put your name or anonymous). The amount of details you give us is up to you. However, make sure what you do share is easy to understand. We want to be able to help you the best we can. When we do get your advice letter written, it will be posted on the newspaper’s website for you to read. Again, your privacy will be protected.
Whatever you are going through, it’s going to be okay. No storm lasts forever; the sunshine always comes.
The Owl Staff Writers
Google form link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffXl8R0IZnFwJw0Jl8FbxdIiobMbYDBm2B_u-LpjZTzgGVsQ/viewform?usp=pp_url