Brackemyre says, ¨Heck Yeah!¨

Madi attends a photo shoot: Music is a huge part of her life.

Zen Stripling, Staff Writer

The seniors of 2018 are almost done with their high school careers, and are soon to experience a different chapter in their lives. Madison Brackemyre is a senior and plant enthusiast.

¨I’m really anxious (right now) but also blessed,¨ Brackemyre says. Her senior year has been a rush with both negative and positive feelings. The current goal in her life is to finish high school, which has been an intimidating reality for Brackemyre. ¨I don’t wanna go to college (so soon), going out into the world is scary. It’s like being a little fish in a big pond,¨ she says,¨If I had one word to describe high school, it’s fast. You think there is a bunch of time but really, it’s like two seconds, then boom! You’re graduated and that’s the end.¨  

What helps her stand out from other seniors is her personality. ¨I think what makes me stand out is that you notice that I’m there. Whether you like me or not, I am hard to miss when I’m around other people,¨ she says. With the loud and spunky personality that she bestows, she continues to be in the spotlight.

¨A regret I have is surrounding myself with the wrong people. I didn’t take anything seriously my first two years of high school,¨ she says. ¨But what helped me was my drive that I have for success.¨ What helped her carry on and find her way was her passion for music. Being a choir member a majority of her time at SHS, music is something that has inspired her throughout high school.

Another inspiration besides music was her teachers, especially Geometry Teacher LeRoy Wilson. She feels that he is caring of his students, whether that be asking how their day is, or just his ¨positive vibes he gives,¨ she says. ¨He goes above and beyond for his students, he really cares you know?¨

Brackemyre possesses a deep desire and passion for photography. It acts as both a therapy and a hobby for her. She owns a small photography business of her own. She mainly photographs seniors and couples. She says: ¨I am soon to do weddings. It’s super fun, this whole thing.¨

Currently only taking three classes with an internship, she braces for whatever comes her way. Her internship involves learning about X-rays. Her plans after high school are to go to college, but is unsure of which college to attend. Her favored college is IUPUI, with many others that are being considered. She plans to ¨move far away,¨ and hopes to develop her love of photography, and potentially move towards a big city. Brackemyre says,¨I like the small things and moving will help. My biggest dream is to travel around the United States; I think that´d be dope.¨