Students Debate: Student Resource Time as a good compromise

Grace Beach, Staff Editor

On the 26th of March 2018, Seymour High school put the new schedule for SRT (Student Resource Time) into effect to replace the old “Power Hour” schedule. The new schedule has upset and confused some students, but others find it a good compromise between Power Hour and a “traditional” schedule that has no time set aside for students to make up tests, work on homework, or receive extra help .

This senior student wished to remain anonymous for this quote, but junior SHS student Chanel Martinez saw both sides of the argument.

Some students raised the concern that their teachers might try to take the allotted Student Resource Time  time to continue teaching any unfinished lessons, but were told all teachers had been informed that this time was for students to work. Teachers should not continue lessons.

Students have been getting passes to go work on their personal projects or make up tests or work with teachers they may need help from. Many students have gotten passes to go work on the spring musical, Into the Woods. This time is used to rehearse and paint set pieces used at the night rehearsals.

Students also had some initial confusion about how the schedule would work. SRT time is directly after a brief ( six minute) passing period following first period. Every class and lunch that happens after SRT has been pushed back, and classes have been modified to fit the new schedule. (Schedule shown below)

Another raised concern was the C4 schedule being messed up by the revised Student Resource Time schedule. Many C4 students were alarmed about their offset times and raised more questions about the effect the new an improvised schedule had on their travel.



First Period: 8:30 to

SRT: 10:00 to 10:30

Second Period: 10:36 to 11:58

Third Period: 12:04 to 2:02

-First Lunch: 11:58 to 12:34

-Second Lunch: 12:04 to 12:34

-Third Lunch: 1:04 to 1:34

Fourth Period: 2:08 to 3:30