The Impact of Dance Marathon

December 5, 2018
Games, music, dancing, and fun are all part of Dance Marathon. This past Saturday was the second time I have attended Dance Marathon at the high school. If you don’t know much about Dance Marathon, it is an event that helps raise money for Riley Children’s Hospital. This year we raised over $20,000!
Last year, I realized just how great this event is. It’s remarkable how much money kids can raise for a great cause. Besides the money, it helps bring recognition to the kids who are fighting every day. Through this event, I learned how much kids go through and how much it costs for their various treatments. A lot of families struggle paying their medical bills, but through charity events such as Dance Marathon, we can help those families with the costs.
If you haven’t been to Dance Marathon, I highly recommend attending next year. You can also become part of the Dance Marathon Committee. The Committee visits Riley and delivers toys and happiness to the children. Mrs. Kelly Reasoner is in charge of the Committee. Dance Marathon is a great charity event that is filled with so much fun and remarkable outcomes.