Let’s Get Ready to Rumbleeeeeeee
Chandler Dummond hits the hole for a nice gain during Saturday’s scrimmage. Dylan Trimpe | The Tribune
August 15, 2019
The Owls are not the only ones excited for season, as many pack the stadium to see the purple and white scrimmage. Many are curious to see the offense and defense go head in head. The senior leaders praise the defense for “doing a good job of getting to the ball carrier and communicating.” The offense worked well to achieve “a few big plays and score.” Communication is going to be key on the field as the team heads to the start of season. The Owls are edging for some competition. They have worked hard all summer and off-season on and off the field, and in the weight room. Their goals are to bring a conference and sectional win home, but want to take it “one game at a time and not get ahead of themselves.” Owls Football takes to the turf on August 23rd for their first home game against South Dearborn. Let’s pack the stands and cheer our team to victory!