Miss Indiana Junior Teen

October 14, 2019
Jacqueline Rivera, a freshman at SHS, has recently been named the 2019 National American Miss Indiana Junior Teen at a pageant in Indianapolis last month. She has been participating in this pageant for 6 years now, and finally won the title! As part of Jacqueline winning this pageant, she will be competing in the National American Miss Pageant at Disneyland in California next month. At the National American Miss Pageant, she has the opportunity to win her share of more than $500,000 in prizes and a new Ford Mustang convertible. Rivera told The Tribune, “This will be my third time going to California for the pageant, but this time will be different. With winning the title, the pageant pays for all my sponsorship, where in the past when I went as runner-up or had placed, we had to pay for those sponsor fees.” She won Heart of Service, Spirit Award, best resume, best thank-you note, fan club, runway model, spokemodel, photogenic, top model, most promising model, and first runner-up in casual wear. Jacqueline said, “I enjoy everything about pageants but I really enjoy making new friends.” When asked how she is preparing for this pageant, Jacqueline said, “I am preparing in many ways but most importantly I am preparing myself mentally. It took me 6 years just to win my state title and it does get hard after a while but I always have to put a mental reminder in my head that no matter what the outcome is I gave it my all and I grew more as a person. I plan to use that as I head to Nationals next month.” Wish Jacqueline the best of luck at her National Pageant next month!
Photo from The Tribune