Once In A Blue Moon

November 17, 2020
2020 is probably the worst year of everyone’s lives: the Covid-19 pandemic spread, Oregon was on fire, and other dystopian events occurred. However, 2020 has had something unique that not a lot of other years experience: the number of different moons. From the pink moon in April, to the strawberry moon in June, this year’s sky has been filled with bright spectacles. Although, there is a particular moon that stands out to all: the expected blue moon on Halloween. A blue moon is not exactly what it sounds like. It does not always glow a bright cyan tint in the night sky, but a blue moon simply means a second full moon in a calendar month.
Astronomers are elated with the changing moons in 2020, but some have theories that go beyond the stars. Some believe that it is not a coincidence that 2020, the most chaotic year of all, is experiencing a blue moon on Halloween. The lunar phenomena has some conspiracy theorists speculating that this could be a sign from some higher power, the paranormal, or some other creature. Astrologists have stated that this moon isn’t something to get too worked up about if believers think it’s a paranormal sign. Because it has no connection to the spiritual world, it doesn’t pass through the solar month which means a zodiac sign has nothing to do with it. Others are still persistent in believing that this is definitely a sign. Regardless, it was a beautiful sight to see the blue moon on the spookiest day of the year.