The Future of Festivities

March 17, 2021
With the ongoing spread of a global pandemic, essentially all fairs, festivals, and other social activities were cancelled last summer. However, summer of 2021 could potentially be different. As more and more Americans get vaccinated, we step closer to normality. Local Indiana fairs have already released a public statement about their plans for 2021 including Jackson County. Jackson County Fair’s business Facebook page has publicly announced that there will be a fair this summer. Many locals are thrilled to finally be able to take part in a social event.
Small business owners are especially ecstatic about this, considering that they have had an extremely difficult time making a livable profit during the pandemic. Vendors have only been able to sell online, and it isn’t easy making virtual sales. 4-H members are also excited, last year they had to have a virtual week which wasn’t ideal.
However, some aren’t so elated with the decision. Some commentators have stated “it is too soon to make a valid decision.” Jackson County Fair’s organizers have stated that these plans are subject to change. Others argue that the decision is foolish, or careless. Yet, our number of cases is staying pretty consistent as of now. Social distancing measures would still be necessary to ensure the safety of those attending. With the correct precautions, this event should be a safe way to have fun this summer.