ANNOUNCEMENT: Shakespeare? Not quite.

Grace Beach, Staff Writer

Are you interested in trying out for the play this year? Here are some steps you should take.

First, find a one minute monologue to memorize and audition with. They’re super easy to find online, and it doesn’t matter what your subject matter is as long as it’s school appropriate.

Next, find an audition time that works for you. Audition times are after school on September 18 and 19, Power Hour on the 20th, and before school on the 19th and 20th. Auditions will be held in Mr. Stangland’s room, upstairs in room 213.

If you want to audition for a specific role, or just look at the show itself, you can look at the script and description here:

Anyone wanting to be on the crew but not be in the show itself should contact Mr. Stangland.

The show will be performed on November 10 and 11. Everyone should come out to see it, it’ll be a great show!