Lady Owl’s Golf Team Prepare for Regionals

Grace Beach, Staff Writer

On Saturday September 16th, the Seymour Lady Owls golf team played with Brownstown and Bedford North Lawrence at Otis Park in Bedford for the 2017 Sectionals. Many other teams competed, but the top three, or “most likely to make it to Regionals” played together. Seniors Bailey Goben and Andrea Axsom both played on the 16th and described the course as “very, very hilly.” Although Bedford won first place, the Seymour team will still compete in Regionals on Saturday, September 23.

Goben stated that the team had “improved in many aspects of their game,” and speculated that they had all “wanted to make it to Regionals and make our coach proud.” Axsom simply stated, “We have a good coach and structured practice.” Both girls seemed content with their success this season, but hope to do better at the 2017 Regionals. 

Lakin Covey is the new girls golf coach this year, along with assistant coach Travis Thompson. Axom had nothing but praise for Covey, saying, “She has a very competitive mindset, and she pushes us to be better.” Goben went on to say that, “Lakin is a great coach. If you have a problem, she’ll make it sure to fix it by the end of practice. Or if you get hurt, she’ll work with you to make sure it doesn’t get worse.” 

“We have tough competition at our Regionals, however, we’ve been practicing extra hard this week to do our best possible,” said Axsom in an interview. Goben had a similar sentiment, saying, “I think we’ll play to the best of our ability. We’ll have a positive mindset going in and a positive attitude while playing, even if we hit a bad shot.”