An Early Spring: Are We Really Flourishing?

February 24, 2023
It’s no secret that this winter has been significantly warmer than those of the past. The grass is truly greener on every side, as most parts of the United States have reported record-breaking temperatures for the month of February, along with the earliest signs of Spring. Daffodils have started budding in areas like Ohio, Maryland, New York, and even our own state of Indiana. Many are eager to welcome this warmth, frustrated with the barren and cold climate of winter, but scientists are advising to hold your applause.
Environmental scientist Teresa Crimmins remarked, “Almost everyone I speak to about this has this existential anxiety that we are seeing climate change playing out in real time.” Her concerns are the concerns of many that are worried about Spring coming increasingly earlier each year. According to Climate Central, “Earlier springs create a mismatching in availability of food (and other resources) with important natural events such as migration, hibernation and reproduction.” Shorter winters could throw off natural processes for animal species that would alter the food chain and create an imbalance in the natural world.
While global warming is a valid concern for anyone living on the planet, panicking is not the solution here. Obviously, individuals cannot account for all global warming, but we can take minor steps to reduce the issue. This can be done through minimizing our use of electricity, trying to drive less if possible, and reusing what can be reused in a sustainable manner.
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