SHS construction onto phase 2

Katie Cottrill, Staff Writer

Over the past year, Seymour High School has been under phase one of construction. They are currently building a new cafeteria and extending the lower level of our school by building new classrooms. They completely gutted out the bus lobby and changed that into the new cafeteria. The original cafe became too small for our student population. Our original cafeteria is turning into Special Education classrooms.

The new classrooms are going to the lucky English Department. The department got to go through the new building at the end of Winter Break and they even got to pick what classrooms they want. The excitement about the new classrooms has been expressed by many of the teachers.

As we grow closer to Spring Break the buzz for the new school is erupting. When we come back for the final nine weeks of the school year, we will have some changes made to our school. We will be using a new main entrance. The original entrance will be closed off due to phase two of the construction.

Phase two will consist of a new music wing. Both band and choir directors have expressed their excitement for this project. Band Director Kevin Cottrill shares, ” I’m excited. I worked in Columbus and they went through similar changes, but I moved to Seymour before I could teach in the new building.” The new band room will consist of two levels. The upper level will be practice rooms and the lower level will just be a big area for the band to play. The choir room will have a lot more storage for costumes, props, and other necessities for the musical. There will be different spaces for small groups to sing and work together.

The project has been long coming and everyone is excited for when it’s done.