Emma and the American Experience


Katie Cottrill and Emma Braman

In late July of 2022, a new foreign exchange student arrived from Germany. Emma Umgelder, a 16 year old junior, started the 2022 school year at Seymour High School. We interviewed her about her experience so far, and she had a lot to say.

After asking what her favorite part about our high school is, she replied with, “The testing, because it’s all multiple choice. We don’t have that in Germany. I also love the sports, since we don’t get the opportunity to play them.” Emma was a member of the cheerleading team during the football and basketball seasons. Cheer helped her gain new friends and experience American sports first-hand. 

We asked her what she missed about being back home, and she responded with, “I would say my family and friends.” She mentioned that in Germany they travel much more on foot than we do in America. She said that Americans use cars for many more things than Germans do, and you have to wait longer to get your license. 

We asked about her opinion on Oktoberfest, and Emma expressed her love for the event. “Yeah, I did like it. It’s a bit different. We have one from my hometown that’s pretty big, but I liked the food a lot.” We proceeded to ask about her favorite American food, and she responded with the beloved Taco Bell and Chick-fil-a.  She loves her experience so far in America and can’t wait to experience more.