Your Life Speaks


Phoebe Hughel, Staff Writer

November 14, 2017 Seymour High School held a convocation called “Your Life Speaks” organized by JAG. This was one of the first convocations that many students enjoyed and took seriously. It may not have affected all, but many came out of the auditorium wanting to become a better person. 

A member of JAG, Junior Paige Underwood said, “ It affected me in so many ways. I have had to overcome bullies and personal issues, and I didn’t think that I would be able to overcome them. Now that I’ve seen what Nathan had to overcome to get to this point in his life, it made me realize that I can overcome anything that life has to though at me.” Many people go through experiences like this one. Looking at what one person has gone through and overcome makes others feel as though they can overcome their issues as well.

The director of Seymour High School’s JAG program is Mrs. Bowman. She first heard about Nathan Harmon at a conference when he presented. Mrs. Bowman liked what she heard from him and had her class conduct research. The class was impressed and decided they would try to get Nathan Harmon at SHS. Bowman stated, “Students have to reach out to those adults that they have positive relationships with – other teachers, school counselors, school administrators, youth ministers, parents, relatives, therapists, etc. There are a large number of adults in Seymour who want to help youth overcome and succeed. If these convocations can have a positive impact on one life, then it is worth it – all of the effort, time and money. Every student in this community is valuable and we need to support everyone.”

Many students are realizing that what they do now, affects their future. Just having Nathan talk to everyone at the school for 90 minutes has made a huge impact. Students are taking into consideration how their choices impact their own future as well as others around them. One joke about the way someone looks or acts can push them over the edge. It is important to support those who need it, whether it be a student or an adult. Everyone’s lives matter and are important. Stick up for those who need support. Remember that choices can change everything.