Study, Don’t Worry

Anna Massengale, Staff Writer

December 13th marked the last day of regular classes at Seymour High School and finals began the very next day. At SHS, students operate on an alternate schedule. Instead of four blocks in one day, students only go to two blocks spending 3 hours in each. The first portion of time is for studying, while the second is for taking the exam.

Some teachers use this time to go over what students need to remember or what is going to be on the final and others give them study material to study themselves. Kevin Cottrill, one of the band directors at Seymour High School, talked to his one hundred and thirty some students about chords and terms that would be one the final the first half and then gave them the final after he had covered all of it. Paula Weaver, a biology teacher at Seymour High, gave students the opportunity to study by themselves before she highlighted some of the important things her students should know about the final exam.

Sophomore Madeline Halcomb said that she was a little worried for finals except for in her strongest subject Geography. Halcomb studies by looking over the study guides and starts to study about two weeks before finals, like many other students. Ready for the semester to be over Halcomb studied to perform her best on her finals and so far she feels like she did “pretty good on the first two finals.”