New Teacher Spotlight Week 4

January 22, 2020
This week’s new teacher spotlight is on Mr. Clint Deck and Mr. Kyle Ahlbrand.
Mr. Clint Deck is a new Agriculture Science and Business teacher. Mr. Deck is originally from Bloomington, Indiana where he was a teacher at Bloomington North High School and worked in Agritourism Industry. Mr. Deck’s hobbies include hunting, hiking, dog water sports, road trips, computer building, and reading. When we asked Mr. Deck what he is looking forward to this school year, he said, “Building relationships in the community and following student success from 7th through 12th grade Ag courses and FFA.”
Mr. Kyle Ahlbrand is a new Algebra and Geometry teacher and is originally from Seymour. His wife is named Amber and they have one daughter named Tinley Mae, a first-grader at Redding, who is 6. He enjoys playing golf, bowling, and playing Xbox. He taught for 2 years at Columbus North High School, 2 years at Waldron High School, and taught the past 11 years at Austin High School. When asked what he is looking forward to this year, Mr. Ahlbrand said, “The main reason was to teach in the same school system I was raised since I enjoyed my time going through school. It is also neat to teach with teachers that had you or were teaching when you were going through school. I wanted to teach close to where I live and be on the same calendar schedule as my daughter.” We also asked him what opportunities he was looking forward to when he came here and he said, “Working with other teachers. For the past 13 years, I have been the only math teacher teaching a subject so I was on an island. Here I get to talk to other teachers who are teaching the same thing and it keeps you on a good pace.”