Alcohol, Tobacco and Nicotine Policy in Handbook

Alcohol, Tobacco and Nicotine Policy in Handbook

Mallory Moore, Sports Co-Editor

According to the Seymour High School Student Handbook, “Possession and Use of Illegal and Controlled Substances” brings many consequences for students.

Possession or use of tobacco, Juuls and e-cigarettes results in a Class C infraction. A fine is issued up to $500.00. Smoking or use of any of these substances is prohibited on any school grounds, in the school building, on streets and private property adjacent to the school and at school events away from the school. 1st and 2nd Offenses will result in suspension and a citation that is handled by the courts. 3rd offense brings a longer suspension with possibility of expulsion.

The use, possession, or selling in drugs and alcohol on school grounds or at school events will lead to possibility of expulsion for the 1st offense. Being under the influence of any drugs or alcohol during school times results in possibility of expulsion for the 1st offense.

Possession, use or the selling of drug paraphernalia results in suspension for 1st and 2nd offenses and possible expulsion.

Illegal possession of a needle or syringe will result in expulsion on 1st expense.

It is a school policy that any substance listed above being used anywhere on school property will result in school suspension, possible expulsion for more offenses, plus a citation (ticket) for the civil punishment explains Principal Prange. The courts then decide how to handle the situation.

The policy is key to keeping teens safe in the U.S. as nicotine and alcohol statistics are varying.

Kids, use at your own risk but is it really worth it?