The Flu vs Corona Virus

March 12, 2020
Billions of people are freaking out because of the outbreak of the Coronavirus COVID-19. Should their main concern be on this sickness or are there bigger concerns?
The CDC describes the flu as a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus that infects the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. Affected by millions, the flu has sent many into a panic. Since 2010, there has been an estimated amount of 9.3 million and 49 million people with the illness. Children and 65-year-olds and up are most likely the age groups to get symptoms of the flu.
Compared to the Coronavirus, the flu is an underrated sickness that needs to be taken more seriously. The global death rate of the Coronavirus is 3.4% and the death rate for the flu is between 20,000-52,000. Although the Coronavirus is not as big of a problem as the flu, the media is making it sound worse than it is. The mindset of people has changed drastically as the media and other companies are encouraging them to go above and beyond what is actually necessary in order to stay uncontaminated. Many have taken precautionary measures, including buying masks, secluding themselves from the public completely, obnoxiously piling canned foods and necessary items in order to stay protected.
During the fall and winter, the flu is the number one causing illness, making this time period known as “Flu Season.” The CDC explains that the flu is in its most contagious state within 3-4 days and flu-like symptoms are most likely to show up in the 5-7 day range. Some symptoms of the flu include fever, headaches, muscle and body aches, fatigue, and even vomiting in some cases.
There are multiple ways to prevent the flu: wash your hands regularly, avoid large crowds, get an annual flu vaccination, and strengthening your immune system. If feeling flu-like symptoms, get plenty of sleep, drink a lot of fluids, take medicine from over-the-counter that can treat for congestion and a cough or sore throat.
Instead of going into panic mode, stay calm and take precautions as needed.