2020: A Year in Review


Caley Monnier, Staff Writer

I think we all can empathize with the experience that was the year 2020. It has come with many new, unique challenges and experiences. I won’t take the time to go over them, since I think everyone knows what those entail.

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this seriously challenging year. I have, like everyone else, had to navigate through a pandemic and how it changed our entire world as we knew it. On an individual level, I have also had my fair share of personal challenges which only brought greater instability and discomfort to this already difficult year.

I had to move out of a house that brought me comfort and happiness, to something new and unusual. It was a hard adjustment, and only made my year more turbulent with everything currently happening in the world. I think I speak for a lot of students when I also mention a lack of motivation to complete and put effort into schoolwork. With the constant changing of remote and hybrid learning this year brought, it was hard to find drive to put a lot into education. I’ve also been in my own head a lot, with thoughts of insecurity and inadequacy.

Even with all of these challenges, 2020 has been a year where I have seen a lot of self improvement. I believe I have come out of this year more mature and knowledgeable. I feel more prepared to handle the future hardships life will throw at me in the future. While none of these challenges I have faced were desired, they have allowed me to grow as a person, for both myself and the people around me.

Of course, though, this year hasn’t been difficult just for myself. My friends and family also haven’t had it easy in these 12 months. It’s been a time full of uncertainties and instability for everyone. This is another point I would like to talk about in this reflection.

What got me through this mess of a year was the people around me. Putting your struggles and difficulties in perspective with other people makes you feel more normal, and comfortable with your situation. Sharing my troubles with the people close to me and working through them alongside others is the main thing that got me through 2020. When you want to run away from the world and the problems it brings you, remember that the people around you are there to help you. The people who love you are there for you, want to see you grow and improve. Trust in your friends and family, and you will see how much easier life can get. 

In all, 2020 has been a challenge for all of us, and I say that with confidence. It was anything but easy. With the help of the people around me and my own perseverance, I was able to get out of this ridiculous year alive, and you did too! That’s something to celebrate. Let’s let the beginning of 2021 symbolize an opportunity for new beginnings, and moving forward no matter what. In life, there will always be challenges and tribulations, but we must take them in our stride and continue to push on. To whoever is reading this, we got through 2020, and that means we can get through anything.