Seymour FFA competes in Area Contest

November 18, 2021
The Seymour FFA Chapter recently competed in the Area 2 Crops competition in Paoli. During this contest, FFA members competing in Crop Judging completed a test, multiple grain grading problems and identified seeds, weeds, plants, and plant damage. This contest took around 3 hours to complete. Seymour FFA had 2 teams, one high school team and one middle school team, and one individual high school student competing. The Seymour High School team, consisting of Caroline Thompson, Mackenzie Waskom, Audrey Wiggam, and Lexi Morris, got first place in the Area Contest which advances them to the State Competition at Purdue University in December. The Middle School team also won the Area Contest in their division and also advances to the State Competition. Emily Ritchie competed as an Individual and got sixth place. The Crop Judging team will compete on December 11th at the State Competition in West Lafayette.
The Seymour FFA Forestry team also competed in the Area 2 Competition in Paoli. During this competition, FFA members took an exam and did identification on leaves and wood samples. Seymour FFA had one high school team, one middle school team, and one individual middle school student competing. The high school team, consisting of Hayden Williams, Katie Otte, and Morgan Waskom, got fifth place in the competiton which advances them to the State Competition. The middle school team got second place which also advances them to the State Competition. The Forestry team will join the Crop Judging team at the State Competition at Purdue University on December 11th.