The Best Dessert at Dairy Queen

The Best Dessert at Dairy Queen

Cosmo, Staff Writer

In a world full of disappointment, heartbreak, pain, and suffering, there is one thing that the human race can all come together to celebrate in peace and harmony:


For as long as I can remember, dessert has always been something I looked forward to. It was a treat to which my senses delighted. It didn’t matter if it was cookies, ice cream, brownies, cake, or any other comforting confection, I was absolutely ecstatic to eat it. By far though, there was always one sensational sweet that stood above the rest. That dessert was none other than the triple chocolate brownie from Dairy Queen. 

It had everything I could ever want in a dessert. The semi-sweet chocolate chunks slowly melting on top of the ever-decadent fudge drizzled brownie, paired with that iconic vanilla soft serve and a dollop of light and airy whipped cream- It was my dream come true! You can imagine my disappointment when a little ten year old me found out that Dairy Queen closed for the colder months. Oh, how I languished! How I lamented! How I stared off into the distance from my bedroom window as snow fell, mourning the loss of my beloved triple chocolate brownie. It was nearly six months until I was able to set eyes on it again, but my gosh how I savored it. 

This cycle repeated for years and years. I was the Demeter and my Persephone was this brilliant dessert, dragged and carted away for half the year. As time went on though, I became less partial to the triple chocolate brownie specifically, and more open to the entire lexicon of Dairy Queen desserts. Chocolate dipped cones? Adore them! Starkiss popsicles? Love them! Chocolate chip cookie dough blizzards? Can’t get enough! My excitement had slowly evolved from a love for the brownie, to an adoration to all things Dairy Queen! I even gave some of their savory meals a try, and I must say, those pretzels of theirs are delicious. 

Now you may have noticed that the air is getting warmer, the birds have started singing once again, and the daffodils have started blooming. With the return of Spring, I am pleased to announce the return of Dairy Queen as well! That’s right, folks! Tonight (yes, this very night) Dairy Queen debuts once again to Seymour! We here at the Seymour Owl are all quite excited to get in line and experience our favorite childhood treats all over again. Who knows? Maybe we’ll see you there! Afterall, it is located about smack dab in the middle of town at 316 E Tipton St. You really can’t miss it, and trust me, you don’t want to!