Dear SHS…


Kylee Nowling, Editor-in-Chief

Dear SHS,

Choosing to move schools was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made, if not the hardest. When I first moved, the only reason I had was to play soccer. The only people I really knew were my teammates and a couple of other people. I was petrified of having to make new friends, meet new people, go to a bigger school, and make such a drastic change to my life. I was scared I would regret my decision, and not be able to survive without my old friends.

Although, here I am three years later and my perspective has completely changed. The school that I was so scared of going to is now the one place that I want to go back to more than anything. I miss the normalcy of attending SHS every day and seeing my friends when at one point this normalcy I have now was a drastic change. It is funny how your life seems to shift right below your eyes without noticing.

The one reason I had for attending SHS, in the beginning, is just a small part of why I miss it so much now. In the last three years, I have met so many life-changing people, discovered new joys and hobbies, and made memories I will never forget. I have made so many life-long friends from all walks of life, that I never would have met otherwise. These friends have changed my perspective on life by opening my eyes to new cultures and experiences. I have met amazing teachers, role models, and coaches that have shaped me into who I am now. I have discovered my love for writing, wrestling, and much more. I have realized I love soccer more than I ever thought was possible. I have made memories at this school with these people that I will cherish forever. Most importantly, I have learned to undeniably be myself, not be afraid to try new adventures, and always keep making friends.
As the days go by of me living the same day over and over in quarantine, I realize how much SHS has truly meant to me. It has brought me tears and smiles, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I am so lucky to have one year left, unlike the seniors who sadly had to end high school without a goodbye. This next year, as I become a senior, I will cherish everything I have learned in the past three years. I will live in the moment and make each day as memorable as I can.

If I have learned one lesson in quarantine, it is that you never know when the last time is the last time. You need to make each day count. Although many of my plans have been ruined and I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel now, I have hope. Everything has a reason and this madness will lead you to where you need to be.
Love, Kylee